
Strawbridge has meant a lot to me for the past few years. Whenever my friend invited me to go to church at Strawbridge a few years ago I wasn't expecting it to have an impact on me like it did. When I went to my first youth night at Strawbridge I was the shy kid that didn't know anybody but him. One night my friend couldn't go to youth I was scared because I didn't know anybody then this group of older kids started to talk to me at that moment I knew this place had an impact on me. In my second year at Strawbridge we went into lockdown and my family moved 45 minutes away. I was sad that I couldn't see my new friends anymore but I knew I would be back someday. The reason why I came back to Strawbridge is because I missed being around the people from youth But I also felt lost and I knew that Strawbridge would bring me back somehow. But when I came back my friends have already graduated and I was back to being that shy kid I once was. But like a few years ago a couple of kids came up to me and started talking to me and later became my close friends. Strawbridge has meant more to me than I could ever imagine. It gave me a second home to come back to with some life long friends along the way to learn more about god.
Ryan Johnson
KPark High School
Where are you graduating from?
What has Strawbridge meant to you?
What are your future plans?

After High school I plan on going to Blinn in Brenham to get my Ag business degree. After Blinn I will be going to a trade school to further my welding skills in pipeline or structure.